Environmental Markets Week
28-29 September 2023, London
Co-located with Energy Trading Week Europe 2023
EMW Europe, part of the Environmental Markets Week series which also includes EMW Americas and EMW APAC, is bringing together the European and global environmental market ecosystem. Policy makers, project developers, emitters, trading firms, market makers, exchanges, investors, and innovative service providers will come together to discuss the ins and outs of how to engage in these new and developing markets.
Don’t miss your chance to hear from experts in the field, and to meet 150+ attendees representing multiple sectors to explore the challenges and opportunities in environmental markets.
Environmental Markets Week is co-located with Energy Trading Week - register your place now to get access to both events!
Energy Trading Week is bringing together 1000+ attendees at Europe's premier gathering for energy trading leadership and expertise, featuring dedicated agendas on operations and technology, digitalisation, regulations and compliance, the path to NetZero, energy trading markets and LNG trading - find out more here.


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